Why you should add ‘dark mode’ to your website

Laptop on table in the dark

Dark mode has become a popular feature in many websites and applications, and for good reason. It allows users to switch to a dark color scheme, which can provide several benefits over the traditional light mode.

The benefits of dark mode

First and foremost, dark mode can be easier on the eyes, especially when viewing content in low-light environments. The bright white background of traditional light mode can cause eye strain and fatigue, while a darker color scheme can reduce the amount of light emitted by the screen and make it easier on the eyes.

In addition to being easier on the eyes, dark mode can also save battery life on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens. These types of screens emit light on a per-pixel basis, so using dark mode can reduce the number of pixels that need to be lit up, thereby reducing power consumption.

Another benefit of dark mode is that it can make certain types of content stand out more. For example, images and videos can appear more vibrant and colorful against a dark background, which can enhance the overall viewing experience.

Finally, dark mode can simply look stylish and modern, and can be a way to differentiate your website from others. Many users appreciate the option to switch to dark mode and may prefer to use your website over others that don’t offer this feature.


In conclusion, adding dark mode to your website can provide several benefits for users, including reduced eye strain, improved battery life, enhanced visual content, and a modern and stylish look. So, if you’re not already offering dark mode, it may be worth considering for your website.